Friday, April 13, 2012

Space temple locks up my game when destroyed?

[:1]This only happens when I destroy the Space Temple. No other structure does it. Every time it's happened I've been playing as UEF in skirmish, and I'm almost always using Rockhead Tanks to destroy it via their beacon. The moment the Destruction animation starts to play the game freezes and the sound loops indefinately.
I also tried destroying the Space Temple with AC-1000s, Bombers, Gunships, and other unit types. 9 times out of 10 it will lock up no matter which way I destroy it. I haven't tested as Cybran yet, I'll do that next but as UEF I've experienced at least two dozen lockups every time I play against an Illuminate AI and destroy their Space Temple.
I'm using Patch 1.12, but this was happening as far back as 1.03, maybe sooner.|||OK since it seems to be 1 unit issue try deleting supcom via stream and re download it if possible this may fix the problem but i can't be sure.|||don't delete it. just tell Steam to check integrity (right click on the game in your games list). if Steam finds anything wrong, it'll replace those files.
no point in downloading the whole fuggin' thing if 95% of the game is fine.|||it has that option LOL cheers :P|||Integrity check reports everything's fine, but does Steam always tell the truth?
I also meant to put some system specs earlier:
3GB DDR2-800 running single channel mode
AMD 6000+ CPU (~3.0GHz) dual core (AMD dual core optimization tool)
9500 GTX (512MB), PCI-E (nvidia 196.21 drivers)
Soundblaster Live! Audigy, PCI-E (haven't updated drivers in some time)
Windows XP Pro +Sp3, 32 bit mode. (I use all the updates for it)|||it's not a hardware problem; we have no use for your specs.
if GPG didn't kill the WARN() and error() functions we'd be able to tell you what is happening.|||BulletMagnet|||Quote:|||Both me and my brother has the exact same problem when playing skirmish games. If we destroy the AI's space temples, the game freezes completely.|||if you have tried all the rest it's worth a try deleting local content and redownloading.|||Luckily I have a fast internet connection so I have tried a complete delete and reinstall from steam on my own and my brothers computer... it didn't fix the problem.
I forgot to mention, and this is highly relevant I think, the game only crashes if the AI has loaded a lot of units into it's space temple before I destroy it.
If the AI has just build a fresh space temple and I destroy it before it can load units in to it, then the game proceeds without interruption or crashing in any way. But once it has a lot of stuff loaded in the temple, and the temple is destroyed with the many units inside, the game freezes completely, sounds stop and we both have to ctrl+alt+del to the joblist and kill the process in order to get back to windows.|||thanks for the new info i am sure the devs will look and see if they can fix it

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