Friday, April 13, 2012

[Bug] Game crash to desktop when Space Temple destroyed

[:1]When playing a skirmish against the AI, destroying the Space Temple causes a crash to desktop. I've had it most frequently occur when using the UEF Disruptor Station to destroy it, however it has happened when I sent a few King Kryptors through the beacon to destroy the temple.
It has also happened when I had an Aeon AI on my team and a Cybran AI used regular artillery to destroy the temple.
I suspect the bug happens when the AI queues units for teleportation and then it is destroyed. Since the AI takes quite a while to build a temple, it takes a long time to reproduce the error. I have lost many hours of gameplay to this bug before I narrowed it down to the temple. I now have to select Cybran or UEF for the AI when I play against them so that I can actually finish the game.
On a side note, I love the AI changes. It is a real challenge now. I've been trying to beat two cheating AI's for days and keep getting my butt kicked. Previously I could defeat 2 or 3 cheating AI's with ease.
Here's a link to one of the shortest games in which the crash happened. ... .SC2Replay|||thanks for creating double post
Please check to see if the post that you are going to make is already here.
Thanks :D|||I did check this forum and the general discussion one for similar reports and did not find anything. Excuse me for not seeing the Technical Support forum WAY down the page well past the "Supreme Commander 2" section and assuming there would also be bug reports in there when there are many bug reports in here.
Since there were only 2 forums that I could see in the SupCom2 section of the board index, I only searched them for this topic.
Perhaps a BUG REPORT forum in the SupCom2 section of the board index would help organize everything better.
Just trying to help out.|||Ya i know how u feel LOL

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