Monday, April 16, 2012

Here's Square-Enix Tech support... GPG read this, CT shame.

Ok CT, I understand you need to sell titles to keep GPG alive... fine. But Square-Eqix... really? I feel a bit sold out here...

I asked my dual monitor question. Their first resp was utter foolishness. So I elaborated. Here's their response:

"Dear Customer, Regarding your request for console support. Please find your answer below.We noticed you mention that you are running a 64-bit operating system. Please be aware that 64-bit versions of Windows are not supported for this game. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee performance for 64bit versions of the title. We recommend to stay up to date on version updates available for this title through steam. Thank you for contacting the SQUARE ENIX Support Center. For additional assistance with this issue, you can reply to this email directly. For assistance with a new issue, please visit the SQUARE ENIX Support Center at

Come on, really!? A brand new game developed by GPG and released in 2010 is not designed to run on a 64bit OS?|||LOL that is realy funny Supcom 2 is not compatible with 64bit os that = fail|||I wonder if this is actually true; ie. are they actually just misinformed?

I can't see GPG directly refusing technical support for a 64 bit OS in this day and age.

Perhaps just send back exactly the same query and tell them you have a 32 bit OS this time!?|||That's funny, I know that SupCom2 is a 32-bit program, but 64-bit software should be supported. Ask around. I know there are people using Windows 7 64-bit who have no problems at all with SupCom2.|||I like how people gets personally immediately and tries to get the attention of the company's CEO.|||BlueC|||I have Windows 7 Pro 64 bit. Works great here. Maybe your problem isn't the OS. Maybe we can work something out for you|||CT (GPG) has nothing to do with the bad tech support of square enix|||Highlander944|||haha... interesting responses after giving this topic a few days.

I'm extremely technical... I challenge anyone here who thinks they know anything about computers to run SC or SC2 in dual screen under Vista 64 on either an 8800GT or 4870, alt-tab, then return to the game and continue playing. If you can pull this off please let me know.

I tried the official support channel because... it is the official channel. :) I found it frustrating that after 2 responses not a single person actually tested this config. I honestly don't think dual monitors under Vista 64 with the 8800GT or 4870 will allow you to alt tab and return to the game afterwards.

I don't expect a solution, I wanted to get this information to the developer.. ie gpg ie CT. That's why I made it more personal.

Anyway... I enjoy the titles put out by GPG... I think the games developed under the lead of CT have been very good. I own 4 copies of SC, 2 FA, 1 Demigod, 2 SC2... Just frustrated that since FA I haven't been able to alt tab to TS once the game has started...|||Hi,

a friend of mine has the exact same problem.

He is also using a dual-screen solution.

He has this problem for a long time now, but it is not only related to SC1 or SC2, he has the problem with all his games.

I guess its more a driver problem or maybe how he connected his monitors via DVI, maybe HDMI or Displayport might work better.

Another friend of mine has nearly the same system, also running Dualscreen with HDMI, no problems so far, he can ALT+TAB without a single problem and both are using the ATI 4870...and Vista or W7 64bit.|||Highlander944|||When I alt-tab out, then back into the game, everything is a dull black colour. Like my commander for example, no longer has colour. Just black. The entire world is a darker shade also.|||I have the same problem,

but when I do ALT+TAB again and go back into the game, its ok.|||slinki|||alt+tab from full screen mode on one GPU and one monitor results in missing textures on my system.

7x64, 5770, 22" samsung panel @ 1680x1050.

Alt+tab seems to cause problems for a subset of players of every game I've ever heard of. Some games it works ok for me, some it doesn't. Where it works for me, it doesn't work well for someone else, and vice-versa. I don't think alt+tab under directx is a well-defined function.|||EdWood|||Kaerar|||Simple fix is to use ALT+TAB a second time, wait a few seconds on the desktop and go back into the game again. Everything should be fine, at least, its working for me.

Ed|||EdWood|||Hm ok, so far these are my system specs:

Win7 64bit, ATI 5770|||EdWood|||Ya thats the best choice, when you compare price and cost. :)|||hey guys.. Let me start by saying sorry for the title of the thread… it was a bit unfair.

thanks for giving it a go... however know this. I own 3 PCs on which this has been tested. These aren't the 'same install'. The installs range from an 3800+ X2, AM2+ 5600+, 775.

The 'best' case for this problem is on the 775 machine. I configured that machine to dual boot WinXP & Win Vista. In XP the machine runs dual screen w/ alt tab. In Vista, gray screen upon return to game.

Now, some info in case you haven't noticed this... Remember the checkbox in NVidia & ATI drivers that used to allow you to create one large desktop space? This is gone in Vista. I strongly suspect the API under Vista radically changed as this large desktop is no longer an option.

You must be running Vista to test this. I can confirm it works under XP Pro. I have friends whom I know well (in real life) who have tested dual screen under Windows 7 and it works.... It is only under Vista that this is completely broken.

Anyway... I just wanted to get this in front of a dev that could explain why this happens. In all fairness, I don't think there is a solution short of upgrading to Win 7. I was frustrated by the simply response from the publisher and wished they would have put a little more effort into the response. I’ll withhold final judgment for a bit longer. ;)|||Thx for your detailed post.

Friends of mine use both, Vista and W7. One has no problems at all with ALT+TAB (he is using a 775 system and an ATI 4870, and W7/Vista).

The other one has the exact same problems like you, but these problems affect all his games, not only SC2. Oh and he is also using the same videocard, an ATI 4870. So they use both W7 and the same driver.

All I know is that he connected one monitor with VGA and the other one via DVI. Maybe that could be an issue too?

How did you connect your monitors?


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