Monday, April 16, 2012

*** Supreme Commander 2 *** GFX PROBLEMS -=[FIXED!!]=-

The game installed without issue, updated via Steam and believes it is running correctly.

The menu and sound work, however in-game all is black. I have tried several different resolutions to no affect.

I have installed the latest Nvidia drivers. Still no luck.

Does any one have a solution?

Once I've found my camera, I will post an image/video link as a screen shot does nothing for you these days!

My Spec:

i7 920 @ 2.66GHz

6GB Corsair Dominator DDR3

XFX GeForce GTX 260

160GB Raptor HDD

1080x1920 LCD

Windows 7 Professional 64bit

BIOS: P6T Deluxe V2 0901 (24/02/10)

DirectX: 9.28.1886 (Feb 2010)

Nvidia: 196.21|||Do you have any forced settings on your hardware? I know that there are problems with forced AA. Perhaps turn off v-sync.|||I am having similar problem with supcom 2

loads fine, seems to be running well, but gfx all messed up but only in the actual play area when game actually starts...weird clipping, smearing and tearing + a grid overlay. Action buttons around edge of the screen, menu button, etc are unaffected.

All drivers up to date + supcom 1 and FA both work great!

Tried messing with all in-game video luck.

Any ideas?|||I finally found a solution! It's very straight forward:

All you need to do is turn on Anti-Aliasing - set it to at least 8 and the problem disappears. I set mine to 16Q and now it's very smooth. All settings in game are on FULL now (only because the gfx card can handle it).

I've left all the settings in the Nvidia control panel as they were: defaults for the Quality setting option.

Give it a go.|||can you reliably re-produce the bug by reducing the AA level?|||8 was as low as I could go without noticing problems.|||That worked great!!!! Set it to 8 and everything looks fine, nice and smooth.

Thank YOU!!!!|||Its caused by card controlled AA, disable driver AA and use ingame instead and that's that.

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