Friday, April 13, 2012

Supreme COmmander 2 PING

[:1]i have had a huge spike in ping after a day of playing. I dont know why this is happening. No one is torrenting or using the internet apart form myself.

Please help,..... thank you|||do you have wireless? make sure none of the neighbours aren't stealing it.|||The old supreme commander Forged Alliance was getting ping spikes. They would randomly happen (up to 1200)to me in 4 vs 4 maps (which were way bigger than they are now), it would happen about every 6 seconds and then every one else would bitch and I would leave the game. I never did figure out why it was happening, I would connect directly to the net and the same thing happened. 2 vs 2 and 3 vs 3 maps were fine.
The good news is that the new one doesn't have a ping reporting feature as you play, at least I haven't seen one yet. Therefore, nobody will know that it is you slowing down the whole game. Good Luck on figuring it out though. :lol:|||SCETR

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