und weil mein englisch nicht gut genug ist - sag ichs mal auf deutsch - es ist eine Schande was für Admins im GPGnet geduldet werden bzw. Entscheidungsbefugnisse haben.|||Was für einen Bug im Spiel hast du ausgenutzt, seiner Meinung nach?|||Du solltest auf jeden Fall das Replay des Spiels aufheben, wenn du es noch hast. Falls du noch kein Spiel seit dem gespielt hast, kannst du die Datei "lastGame.SCFAReplay" im Ordner \My Documents\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\replays\
Oder anders ausgedrückt - "-SIN-" wird sich nicht entschuldigen - was das mindeste wäre - selbst wenn sofort der ban aufgehoben werden würde. Es ist und beleibt eine Schande für die Admins.|||Hi all,
To answer his question.
I did not ban i wanted to but i had to ask for it first if it was possible.
To explane it a bit because after that game another player who was there too said he watched the recording and now knows what i meant.
His megalith was not out of the water it was under the coastline.You can do this with a monkeylord or megalith.
You can shoot someone base totaly to shreds with being shot at.And if your getting shot it does no even gets a scratch.
Xantor you can sit here complain like being totaly innocent but its about the 4th time i told you to stop that crap.
I got the recording, anyway i hope that i have told a little more.
Just for the record i did not ban at all so i dunno how ,who or why he got banned or something else is wrong.
But he should be able to join gpg or play any game..
-SiN-|||Yes, GPG-servo also said, that he is not currently banned.
But still, banning someone for doing that is completely uncalled for. Where do you draw the line -SiN-? It's a known limitation of the engine, counterable by Sonar and Water vision and it can happen with any unit that can go into the water.|||Fakt ist - ich komme nicht mehr ins GPGnet - seit genau diesem Spiel. Du kannst behaupten was du willst , aber das ist mehr als nur verdächtig.|||Xantor1000|||Das ist mir egal xantor was du davon findest,ich nabe nach denn spiel mit der anderen spieler geredet und er hat denn replay gesehen und er sagte mann du hattest recht.Das war nicht cool von xantor.Das war ein spieler aus dein eigenen team.
Danach bin ich ausgelogged und habe meine kinder ins bed gebracht.
Aber ich mochte doch eines sagen man kann sagen bannen is uncalled for.
So is using a imba bug in a game when you try to have some fun.
So you want to scare the last good willing players from fa because other people killing there fun or do you want to say to that player to stop using those bugs?
He can talk what he wants his playstyle was unfair and killed then fun in that game after 1 hour.It makes you think should why do i even play those games.
@ spooky.
You can stick up for him and try to fix things like mailing servo but you also could have asked yourself the question: was xantor wrong?
Did you see the replay?
Have you spoken to others in his team of that game?
Have u asked me?
Anyway to make a long story short.
He did not get banned maybe there is something else wrong.Or was.
I also understand we do not ban for this because we do not want to make the fa community smaller.
So for those who use the bugs you all have a free pass now to kill other peoples playfun.
Greets -SiN-|||-SiN-|||Well i think all has been said.
It is weird that he could not get on.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3n0vBcW5fc|||Legion Darrath|||So to finaly close it since xantor did not give any reaction anymore.
This is the story but i do not think xantor will react on it.
It was his own fault.He could not log on because do not laugh.
HE created a new account with the cdkey he used for making xantor.So that name was not existing anymore.
So he could not log on with it because of that.
So all reply's above are?????
Bit stupid to be honest to make a account trying to logon with the old and not be able to do so then point the finger to someone else then himself.
But you can close this now! Altho this gives me a bitter tast.|||I think u have just been told LOL
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