Monday, April 16, 2012

Dual screen ?bug? / Multiplayer connection Bug

Dual Screen:

I run Vista64. I've verified this on 3 PCs. Two use Vista64, one runs an 8800GT the other a 4870. On these two, when dual screen is on and I get forced to desktop... IM or TS or just alt tab, there are two SC2 icons on the task bar. If I restore either, I get gray. I wind up with 2 gray screens and have to kill SC2 using task manager. On the 3rd machine I run XP Pro, no issues alt tabbing there. A few friends run Win7 they say no issue there either. This seems to be a Vista 64 Dual Screen thing.

Multiplayer connection Bug:

Last Tuesday, one friend couldn't join. Kept getting a cryptic Unable to join message. He then hosted and everything was fine (we had 8 ppl). Next game, I hosted, a few unwanted ppl joined, so I kicked them. One of my other friends was unable to join after that. I refreshed the slot by adding a computer then removing the computer. My friend was then able to join. Was this a fluke or is there a bug where there's a ghost if you kick a player?

Thank you.|||the multiplayer part of supcom is handled by steam and i can tell you this system seems to be bugged alot|||Played countless games over steam. I suppose the bugs are with SC2 directly or something that bugs the whole MP router or so.

Have played SC2 MP over steam with no problems. Was even better than SC/FA.|||So Eagle... can you get an invite from a friend and then join the game?... non of my 5 other friends can.

We too have had less nill ping or red ping issues with SC2 so far... that wasn't the point... just giving some info about a bug we saw.

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