Monday, April 16, 2012

How do you register Steam-purchase on the Official Site?

Posted this when the game launched on Squeenix's site. No response.

SE's Members registration program awards points and other stuff for forum whores such as myself. Supreme Commander 2 (both 360 and PC) are listed on their site as available for registration and you'll get some points equating to bronze badge membership if you have also registered on for forum access this past year.

I can't register the game because - of all the non-Valve games I have on Steam - this is the one that doesn't pop-up a serial number when I run it. That must be Steamworks, but either way, what is my registration code for the SE Members site?

How do I register the game on the Official Site so that Squeenix support can ignore me as a Bronze member, instead of just ignoring me as a Regular Member?


P.S. The points system resets in < 2 weeks, iirc. So I/we Steam folks could use a response soonish.|||Thanks for the heads up. I am investigating this.

- Servo|||Thank you for checking into this.|||I am told that there will be an official response on the SE forums for this at some point soon. There is apparently a problem verifying a Steam purchase for their membership, and although the fix is in the works, it will probably be quite some time.

Hopefully the official response post will have more information or at least alternative options.

- Servo|||Thanks for following up.

The only real concern re: your response then is whether or not the resolution comes after the annual points reset and therefore results in a net loss of points. I'll burn that bridge when the time comes though.

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