Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Downloads from GPG Net

Are there quantity limits to how many maps you can download? I've been downloading more maps lately and the download que shows the progress and completes but then I look in Documents/mygames........maps and the new maps aren't there? Unless it's saving them under different names that I'm not recognizing?|||There is no limit to the number of GPGNet downloads as far as I know. Which game are you running: original or FA?|||Downloading maps and mods out fo the gpgnet vault is limited to 30 downloads in a 24 period linked to that account.
Due to my main server been down there is anther mirror that has a hand full of maps and mods that have benn uploaded to it.
http://forgedalliance.obliteratingwave.co.uk|||It's for FA and I'm pretty sure I havn't downloaded 30 items in 24 hours but who knows. Do you know if I have to re-download them to get them to extract to my maps folder or does the account catch itself up after a period and automatically do it? I'll have to check again when home from work.|||once you download it via gpgnet its stays tehre till you either delete it or move the folder.
Maps and mods are stored in the following folder dir,
C:\Users\Danny\Documents\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance
C:\documents and settings\Danny\Documents\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance|||Yeah, the maps have been going in the mydocuments......forged alliance/maps folder but I downloaded about 6 maps last nite that I didn't see. Maybe the names were completely different so I didn't recognize them but i doubt that's the case. I'll have to take another look.|||So in the vault under my content, I tried finding the maps under the look in windows explorer button and it says: "C:\.......Document\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander forged Alliance\Maps\map name refers to a location that is unavailable. It could be on a hard drive on this computer, or on a network. Check to make sure that the disk is properly inserted, or thatyou are connected to the Internet or your network, and then try again. If it still cannot be located, the information might have been moved to a different location."
I haven't changed any settings and a couple days ago things were downloading fine to the correct location.|||that sounds like gpgnet messed something up have you unistalled GPGNet ONLY?
if you do unistall it go to where it was installed delete anythink left over and then reinstall with admin rights.
That should fix it hopefully.|||I've had FA and GPG Net on my comp about 2 years now so nothing should have changed. I've never had to uninstall/reinstall before. I'll try uninstalling and reinstalling GPG Net though and see if that helps. I guess it all started this week. The stuff I got from the vault last week is fine.|||Ok, got it figured out. For some reason it was downloading stuff to C:Users\Documents instead of my specific login for my PC. All the stuff I had downloaded the last few days was in that folder so I just copied it over. Sorry for the false alarm.|||Nps there is a way to change the vault download location to your user's area.

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