Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Appealing To Ban

I was, a few months ago banned from GPGnet, after calling TAC 'sucky and fat' after being banned from Halycon for trolling.
I PM'ed Remmy about this and he said he would ask TAC.
Apparently he responded that he unbanned my account, but really, he was lying. My other account which had no key attached to it was also banned at this time. Every time I tried to log in, it says my password was wrong, and I am absolutely positive I know what it should be.
I really want to go back from Sc2 to SC:FA, so could you please unban me?|||if it says your password is wrong your password iscorrect|||No, when I try and recover my username with the CD key, it says failed to email username.
And every time I try to recover password, it says it is incorrect.
This leads me to think that TAC did change my email address to something invalid.|||Can i ask when you try to do this cause gpgnet was down for a few days.
It is up now but if your try again it may work if it does not pm ucp.php?i=pm&mode=compose&u=18790 GPG-Servo for further help|||Still no reply, been a few days.|||He is very busy|||TAC is a dumbass. Servo unbanned me and TAC banned me again approximately 5 seconds after I logged in.|||Squeenix|||Spooky|||BLKLARLEKLKGLKLAK!

I just want to play...|||Can't u stilll login on gpgnet|||No, that was the point of this thread.|||PM ucp.php?i=pm&mode=compose&u=18790 he will help u|||He won't help me anymore after TAC immediately banned me after he unbanned me.|||talk to tac|||Ah, the e-peen enlargement mild internet power endows. How I missed thee!|||TAC, TCC, Servo, Valk etc etc....I would love to know who all these people are. Do they sit in a big room drinking gin and smoking cigars, laughing everytime they ban someone.....I wonder. I must admit, I would LOVE to meet these guys in real life.|||Can someone who still has access to Halycon say something to him about this?|||??????|||The Arm Commander
Last visited: Wed Jul 28, 2010 3:33 am
PM Sent: Mon Jul 12, 2010 6:00 pm
:'(|||You acted like a total dick and you got banned for it. You even acted like a dick in this thread showing you have not learned your lesson.
here:Squeenix|||slinki|||:(|||UNBAN ME DUMBASSES|||You won't get unbanned use that language will we now??

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