After the latest update for SC2 the app won't launch, it just crashes every time I try to run it.
I have tried:
1. Verifying files (verified ok)
2. Deleting local content, reinstalling from a backup, which served to also re-download and apply the latest update
3. Launching game in Safe Mode.
Still no joy.
Anyone else getting this, and/or got any issues what I can try to resolve the issue?
Thanks in advance
Brewber.|||Are you sure its a game related issue?
OS? Setup?|||Hi Nephylim,
It was all working fine before todays update. Me and a mate have spent the last 4 days frustratingly trying to play co-ops against the AI, which with the constant disconnects at the 12-15 minute mark, was a little frustrating.
I had high hopes of the latest patch possibly addressing this issue, I know thats not the case from the changelog now of course, but I didnt expect it to kill my game entirely

I hadn't, but just tried it and no success. Thanks for the thought though, it wasn't something I had previously considered.
Brewber.|||I think its a steam thing. A few times when I have tried starting the game, Steam does a little pop-up to say its finished downloading an update, when in fact its already done has nothing to download.

Thread Moved.
Mike|||Hi BigSteve: I do have a dual-monitor setup, though the secondary adaptor in SC is disabled. I have checked the config file and the primary in the config file does relate to my primary monitor...and secondary adaptor is disabled.
Edit: @ BigSilencer: I also defragged the cache, sorry, should have added that to my original list but since it didn't do anything, I neglected to add it. Thanks for the thought though.
Hi OrangeKnight: Thanks, didn't realise there was a support forum, I didnt see it all the way down there.|||Seems its not just me: ... st18773031
Doesn't fix the problem though.
I've now tried everything in the usual support threads

Thanks for the link; I'll submit a ticket as well. Well done for spotting this thread all the way down here in the tech support forum!
I even went to the extreme of uninstalling, reinstalling from disk and then re-downloading the 3Gb of game files (on my crappy 2mb connection)...nope, still crashes.
Extremely frustrating, but on the plus side I had a game of FA last night instead, and I had forgotten how good it is (alot slower pace than SC2 but...). Shame me and my mate cant play SC2 though

Now we can both sit here for ever(?) hoping for a solution; thanks for contributing and nice to know its not just me on this forum with the problem.|||Update:
I searched on my back-up server last night and found v1.13 backup Supreme Commander 2.exe that had automatically been put there, back when i used the automatic backup feature(wish, I had left it on now).
Anyway, I replaced the v1.24 with the v1.13 Supreme Comander 2.exe only, and low and behold it started up. Though it showed v1.13, it had the DLC text and check box at the main menu. I did not start a game, mainly because i had been up so late tryin to find the file/a fix.
So if you have a backup, earlier version, it might be worth a shot.
My friend has both a v1.23 sup~.exe and v1.24 sup~.exe, that he has had no problem playing with, gunna try both and see what happens.
I know this is not permanent fix, but I hope it helps you Brewber, and anyone else stuck with this curse.
- joker169|||Hi Joker,
Thanks for the tip but I can't get to that specific file within the windows backup, without restoring a bunch of other stuff I'd rather avoid restoring

Good suggestion though.
Guess I need to see if Square Enix come up with anything useful. In the meantime I'm playing FA, and I had completely forgotten how good a game it is, and how different it is to SC2.|||Found the issue. Should be fixed soon.|||Nice one Sorian, thanks for letting us know, much appreciated. Hope I wasn't too rude on the Steam forums, just another frustrated user who hasn't got the disposable time or patience

Thanks for taking the time to let us know.
sorian|||Hotfix works, thanks guys.
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