Im using a Creative XFI gamer extreme soundcard. My OS is Windows 7 64 bit Ultimate. Creative has/had major problems with their windows 7 drivers. After a troubled period finally everything worked fine without distorted sound.
After a complete reinstall of my OS i face sound distorting with supcom 2. I happens add random while being in game. The game freezes and i hear loud high pitch sounds. The only remedy is to reset my PC.
Yesterday i went for the next solution: I removed my creative XFI, deinstalled all creative software / drivers. I activated my onboard realtek soundchip, installed the drivers and the latest direct X (june).
Unfortunately i faced the same problem as with my XFI: add random distorted sound. Even the in game options for sound quality does not give me the solution. My conclusion would be that it should be some hardware releated problem: irq or something like that.
But the strange thing is it only happens with Supcom 2. None of the 30 other games are having this problem.
Using a I7-860 @ 3,8 / 2 x 2 GB 1866 OCZ platinum / ASUS GTX 275 with the latest Nvidia driver: 270.61
I just dont know it anymore...|||the distortion of the sound card when you load the game up is a system crash.
when a system crash happens the sounds is like a high pitch woamn screaming that makes now sence and all the computer systems are frozzen.
Does it freash when the sound cards in?
have you tried anther pc to test that the sound card not bust?|||Well, then it must be a system crash. It happens every time i press the launch button to start the game. As it also happens with my onboard sound (while i removed my creative XFI) i presume that it's beyond the sound. I have deinstalled supcom 2 and reinstalled it, with no luck.
I have also updated my Nvidia drivers to the WQL 270.61. Could that be the problem?
Okay, i think i have found the solution. I have played about 1 hour without any crash.
I have a I7 - 860 CPU with 2 x 2GB OCZ 1866 Platinum memory. I have Oc-ed my I7 to 3,8 OC prime stable. But my mem is always giving me problems. Although its 1866 mem it seems i cant get it to run at max speed when i Oc my CPU. I have put down the mem multiplier to a lower setting, my mem runs now at 1440 and the supcom problem is gone, so far as i can say at this moment...
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