My game is patched to version 1.22 with DLC and since then Steam decided to disable my account. It is the weekend, so a want some action.
Any help?|||you can play the game in OFFLINE MODE but that requires you tp disable you internet connection.
you can do this by disabling your network connection, start steam, it will ask you do u want to play in offline mode YES and you can then run teh game.|||reddev32|||Crack Steam?|||I don't want to do that. I wouldn't have the game patched up and probably I would lose my legally owned game on steam.
I will wait for steam support to act on my case. Three days waiting so far.|||Steam and SC2 have to be fully Updated... Plus, You still need an internet connection to play SC2, Because Steam requires you to log into an account to play.|||You could log in, then switch into offline mode so you don't need an internet connection.|||X-Cubed|||Spooky u can go into offline mode before u login if tehre is no internect connection that steam can detect i know i have done it before

Anyone agree or am I just ranting?|||I agree with you. I'd post instructions for dato' to follow, but I know I'd be banned for that (been warned once) all I can do now is hint that Googling is easy.|||Zataku|||This is pure bull*hit!
It's been a week to this day that I can not play the game. Steam is pretty bad with its customer service and I am still waiting for reason why my steam account is blocked. I didn't do anything wrong, Supreme Commander 2 is my only game there.
I think what me made me suspicious to steam is that I boought the game from store in London (I still have the receipt, just in case) and I log on from IP address from Macedonia, as I live here.
This is not the way for treating customers. I hope KnC get some other network platform than Steam.
Bullet, i know how to install a pirated game or how to crack steam, but i don't want to do it, i have paid for this damn game.|||datomasSC|||Spooky|||What is steam saying about your account been blocked?|||reddev32|||have u sent them the info?|||reddev32|||steam ftw|||Update:
It's 10 days how I can not play the game. I have only Supreme Commander 2 on Steam, and I can not play it for 10 bloody days!|||Do steam have forums?|||slinki
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