Friday, April 13, 2012

Unresponsive AI in Skirmish Game.

[:1]Hi, first post here. Had a quick search but I can't really get to grips with phpbb boards functions so I apologise if it's been pointed out before.
Anyway, I had a game of 2v2 Skirmish with me and an AI partner vs 2 AI foes. At about half way I guess my team mate just appeared to stop doing anything other than sending a single plane across the map. I had taken out one foe but was pretty weak and failed and attack on the other due to being nuked into the ground. My AI team mate had a sizeable army at this point but didn't budge. I then watched him get nuked over and over and not respond. He was then attacked but his units got crushed because he simply hadn't upgraded. It was about an hour in at that point and everyone had shielded units except that one AI team mate. Whilst being attacked he didn't move his units at all or even try and replenish numbers.
It was really frustrating actually and ruined a match that was really good until that point. I tried my best to gain my footing again but when you are facing a foe that launches 3 nukes in quick succession every 5 minutes it can be very hard, so I ultimately lost, but it's hard to feel good about it because if my AI team mate had actually done something, anything, I could have probably won.
Just venting really, but has anyone else had this?|||What settings did you use in the game?
Every single one.
Which AIs?(land, air, rush, balanced, turtle)
Difficulty of AIs?
Any build restrictions?
Victory condition?(infinite war, supremacy)
No rush?
etc|||My exact settings: ... ttings.jpg
No exclusions ticked.|||Nothing jumps out as problematic. The only suggestion I would have is to not use Random AI. The ones that work the best are land, air and turtle.
Not sure what would have caused the problem, hopefully it doesn't happen all the time?
Flukes can happen, the AI can just fail and break. Humans can too though :)|||Good advice, thanks. I guess you can never be too careful when it comes to random :P

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